Ceremony Option #1
Opening Words
Vow Exchange
Do you,
_________ , take ______ to be your wife, to have and to hold, from this
day forward, for better – for worse, for richer - for poorer, in
sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?
Answer: I do.
Do you, ________, take ______, to be your
husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better – for
worse, for richer – for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and
to cherish, till death do you part?
Answer: I do.
Groom, repeat after me
Do you _______, give this ring
as a token and pledge of the promise you have now made?
Answer: I do.
Bride, repeat after me
Do you _______, give this ring as a token and
pledge of the promise you have now made?
Answer: I do.
Sign License
Ladies and
Gentlemen, it is my privilege to present to you Mr. and Mrs. _______ and
_______ ________!
Ceremony Option #2
Opening Words
Affirmation of the Guests
all of you witnessing these vows do everything in your power to uphold
_______ (bride) and ______ (groom) in their marriage?
Answer: We will
Romantic Reading
The Art of a Good Marriage, by Wilfred Arlan
A good marriage must be created.
In marriage the
"little" things are the big things.
It is never being too old to hold
It is remembering to say, ”I love you" at least once a day.
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is having a mutual sense of
values, and common objectives.
It is standing together and facing the
It is forming a circle that gathers in the whole family.
is speaking words of appreciation, and demonstrating gratitude in
thoughtful ways.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is a
common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is not only marrying
the right person -- it is being the right partner.
Vow Exchange
_______ (Groom),
Do you, ________, take ______, to be your wife,
knowing in your heart that she will be your constant friend, faithful
partner, and one true love?
Answer: I do.
________ (Bride),
Do you, ______, take ________, to be your husband, knowing in your heart
that he will be your constant friend, faithful partner, and one true
Answer: I do
Ring Exchange
__________ (Groom), repeat
after me
I give you this ring as the token and pledge of the promise
now made between us.
__________ (Bride), repeat after me
I give
you this ring as the token and pledge of the promise now made between
Official Declaration
Sign License
Ladies and Gentlemen, it
is my privilege to present to you Mr. and Mrs. ________ and _________
Ceremony Option #3
Opening Words
Affirmation of the
Will all of you witnessing these vows do everything in
your power to uphold _______ (bride) and ______ (groom) in their
Answer: We will
Romantic Reading
by Judy Bielicki
It is often said that it is love that makes the
world go round. However, without doubt, it is friendship which keeps our
spinning existence on an even keel. True friendship provides so many of
the essentials for a happy life-it is the foundation on which to build
an enduring relationship, it is the mortar which bonds us together in
harmony, and it is the calm, warm protection we sometimes need when the
world outside seems cold and chaotic. True friendship holds a mirror to
our foibles and failings, without destroying our sense of worthiness.
True friendship nurtures our hopes, supports us in our disappointments,
and encourages us to grow to our best potential. (Bride) and (Groom)
came together as friends. Today, they pledge to each other not only
their love, but also the strength, warmth and, most importantly, the fun
of true friendship.
Vow Exchange
______ (Groom), repeat
after me
I love you.
You are my best friend.
Today I give
myself to you in marriage.
I promise to encourage and inspire you,
to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and
when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort.
I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard.
These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.
_________ (Bride), repeat after me
I love you.
You are my best
Today I give myself to you in marriage.
I promise to
encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in
times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times
and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love
is simple, and when it is an effort.
I promise to cherish you, and
to always hold you in highest regard.
These things I give to you
today, and all the days of our life.
Meaning of the Rings
These rings are a symbol of the unbroken circle of love. Love freely
given has no beginning and no end. May you find in one another the love
for which all men and women yearn. May you grow in understanding and
compassion. These rings mark the beginning of a long journey together.
Wear them proudly, for they are symbols which speak of the love that you
have for each other.
Ring Exchange
_______ (Groom), repeat
after me
____________, take this ring as a sign of my faith and my
commitment to our love, and share this joy with me today.
(Bride), repeat after me
____________, take this ring as a sign of my
faith and my commitment to our love, and share this joy with me today
Official Declaration
Romantic Reading
Blessing of
the Hands
These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong
and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as
you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are
the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your
future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish
you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you
like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief
fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the
tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and tears of joy. These are the
hands that will tenderly hold your children. These are the hands that
will help you to hold your family as one. These are the hands that will
give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that
even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still
giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it
is my privilege to present to you Mr. and Mrs. _______ and _______